Precise Chassis Positioning


SmartCamera. The SmartCrane chassis positioning system uses two Smart-Cameras positioned just above the boom at the back reach, combining to provide a complete view of the lanes under the crane.

Special MarkingsSmartCrane’s Chassis Positioning operates with yard trucks and yard chassis with special, high-contrast markings that allow the SmartCamera to detect and track them without error.

DetectionThe SmartCamera uses the special pattern applied to the top of the truck cab to detect the arrival of a truck under the crane.  Once the truck crosses the center of the crane, the SmartCamera scans the chassis for its special markings.  If a container is present, some or all of the chassis markings will be obscured, giving a measure of both the size and position of the container relative to the cab.  Based on these data, the SmartCamea will assign a destination position for the cab.

Fine Positioning.  The SmartCamera will continue to track the cab, comparing its position to the final destination.

Signaling.  Two sets of directional signals are mounted on the crane above each end of the lanes.  The signals are mounted and aimed so that each lane’s signal lights are only visible to a driver in that lane.  Each truck must have special mirrors mounted to allow easy viewing by the driver.  The SmartCamera directs the operation of lights, which signal the driver to move forward, move back, or stop.

Spreader Positioning.  The chassis positioning SmartCamera signals the anti-sway Control Computer when the truck is in position, giving estimate of chassis position, container position, and alignment error.  The Control Computer will adjust the destination of the automatic move to that lane, so that the spreader or container will stop in the correct position for landing.

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